Ari Levant – Black-Box Control in Theory and Applications

Jeudi  28 janvier 2016 de 14h00 à 15h30

Auditorium IRCICA, parc scientifique de la Haute Borne à Villeneuve d’Ascq

√ Abstract :

The control problem is the problem of regulating some process in order to achieve some control goals. Examples can be from economics, spaceflight, medicine, robotics, etc. A mathematical theory can be established if the control resources and the control goals are quantified.

The most basic, and still one of the most challenging control problems is the output regulation of a black box with a single (numeric) control input and a single (numeric) output. The mathematical model of the process is not available, and only some basic assumptions are postulated.

The presented strategy is based on the theory of homogeneous sliding modes. The control can be done as smooth as needed. It is produced in real time basing on a number of the real-time-calculated time derivatives of the output. The same control is demonstrated to be efficient in keeping a car to a given route and regulating the blood glucose level of a living rat. Finite-time-exact arbitrary-order real-time differentiation is demonstrated that is robust to unmodeled input noises, delays and digital errors.

The proposed universal control algorithms are ready to use, do not require much calculations, and can be easily applied without understanding the underlying mathematical theory.
The keywords: Nonlinear Control and Observation, Uncertain Systems, Robustness, Sliding-Mode Control


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