Jeudi 26 mai 2011 de 14h00 à 15h30
Auditorium IRCICA, parc scientifique de la Haute Borne à Villeneuve d’Ascq
√ Abstract :
Many popular sites, such as Wikipedia and Tripadvisor, rely on public participation to gather information—a process known as crowd data sourcing. While this kind of collective intelligence is extremely valuable, it is also fallible, and policing such sites for inaccuracies or missing material is a costly undertaking. In this talk we will examine how database technology can be put to work to effectively gather information from the public, efficiently moderate the process, and identify questionable input with minimal human interaction. We will consider the logical, algorithmic, and methodological
foundations for the management of large scale crowd-sourced data as well as the development of applications over such information.
√ Bio : Tova Milo est professeur et directrice du département informatique de l’université de Tel Aviv. Ses thématiques de recherche portent sur le web data management, le business process, le database..